
 Posted by Hello

has anybody seen my baby?

missing: one laptop, three years old (i would guess)
last seen Halloween, but in civilian dress
she had a screen saver
even that couldn't save her
she asked of me nothing, and left me with less

how i miss her sweet glow-hum and electronic buzz
i've alerted authorities, including the fuzz
she had killer apps
and could fold and collapse
if she wasn't a woman, no PC ever was

 Posted by Hello

stipelyn mancashakur

makeup of manson, tattoo of shakur
lips of mike stipe, if not his allure
my eyes johnny cash's, and if hair i pulled back
you'd see that my ears are ms. roberta flack's
some would call it a face; i call it couture


sym-mict-rical Posted by Hello

there are times when you've just got to go
which means stop, please, if you're on the road
'cause windows are windy
and bottles aren't friendly
especially when they overflow

 Posted by Hello

foster parent application poem

oft' mistaken for battlefield cry
the art of the trees is bonsai
unless practiced on hijos
then it's called comprachicos
but the same rules and tools could apply

sf moma Posted by Hello


schlomo's habit

when his thoughts became perfectly dull
he would put the white stuff in his skull
dopamine well-deployed
the young Doctor Freud
found a link betwixt body and soul

hairless wonder Posted by Hello

NYU friend of a friend

male or female? he couldn't decide
so he tatted them both in his hide
thanks to double-signed nipple
his prospects have tripled
(he's a hit on the lower west side)


 Posted by Hello