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mobile home

if ever you feel the vibration
to separate house from foundation
you might reconsider
neighbors not to embitter
unless it behooves your location

austin city limitations Posted by Hello

this really happened

if you try to pick fights with the drink
you should know that you'll soon hear the clink
of the cuffs 'round your wrists
as the cops will be pissed
that you messed master shake's straw of pink

 Posted by Hello

the bassist's boondoggle

on sixth street polite passersby
were not heeding the street singer's cry
his songs were arranged
to appeal for their change
but instead they just gave him the eye

 Posted by Hello

jeff feels the heat

he knew what he'd done to deserve it
and she had been there to observe it
now hand of cold brass
coming down on his ass
would both reinstill fear and preserve it

F=MA(P).Posted by Hello

unrelated ode to an aff"lick"tion

the diagnosis was swift, and it stung
"geographic", said the doc, was my tongue
then i used it for curses
'cause he said "but what's worse is,
you may also have coal miner's lung"

portrait of the artist as a young radiator Posted by Hello

united states of limericka

if your suppers feel somewhat abridged
or leave bitter your alveolar ridge
five or six burritos
from johnson drive don chilitos
might appease you your hunger a smidge


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a lesson in tolerance

ms. O was a dastardly femme
whom i shant introduce to my mom
for if mom were to know
how perverse was ms. O
she might go and lose her aplomb

it takes two to tengamos Posted by Hello

first thoughts made public

perspiring, as at long last i get
with this blog, my web appetite whet
can fortunes blogs change,
posted poems well-arranged?
against such a claim i should bet